Someone will probably tell you to use the search engine. Or even yet, are these ghosts just the remnants of the human slaves of the Tsaesci masters that had ended up consuming all of the original men that lived there like the lore books say? Or were they clearly humans that were labeled Snakemen due to their armor resembling the scales of snakes, much like the samurai armor of the Seanchan of the Wheel of Time Series of Books by Robert Jordan being labeled as giant insects? If so, are the Akavir ghosts in oblivion are yet another affront to TES Lore by being clearly humans in Akavir/Blade armor and the game devs were just too lazy to create meshes for the Tsaesci snakemen race?

The exception is the Tang Mo which are clearly labeled as Monkey people)? Do you consider the Tsaesci of Akavir true Beastmen like the rest of the Akaviri Population (which are convoluted at best as the Kamal must be some type of beastmen that are being labeled as "demons", and the Ka Po Tun make no sense at all as Tiger People that "melded" with dragons and their leader is a tiger dragon man whatever. Would like the lore crowds insight into this.